Dynamics of element levels and adaptation to saline environment during the development in Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove


探讨了泌盐隐胎生红树植物桐花树(Aegicerascorniculatum)种苗在母树上的胎生发育、种苗脱离母树后在林地的生长发育、以至成年母树各环节的Cl,Na,K ,Ca,Mg及灰分含量动态与抗盐适应性。结果表明 ,桐花树种苗在母树上的胎生过程是一个低盐环节 ,也是一个低盐化过程 ,可以认为这是重演了其祖先的淡生特征。种苗胎生的孕育环境宿存果皮是一个盐分累积提高的高盐环境 ,这有利于种苗在胎生过程中对盐分的抗性锻炼。胎生种苗脱离母树后 ,在林地生长发育的初生苗期阶段是一个大量吸收和累积盐分的过程。林地初生小苗的胚轴部位有吸纳累积的大量盐分 ,这对初生苗期幼苗的抗盐适应具有积极意义。成年母树各部位中 ,叶片的Cl,Na含量高于幼苗 ,而其它部位则低于幼苗 ,母树根系吸收的盐分大量累积于树冠顶部 ,这有利于盐分从叶片泌盐盐腺排出体外 【英文摘要】 The changes in the levels of Cl, Na, K, Ca, Mg and ash in relation to adaptation to saline environment in Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove during the development were studied. The viviparous development of seedlings (hypocotyles) on the mother tree was not only a link of lowest salt level in the life but also a lowering of salt, which may be suggested to be a recapitulating sign of the character of the ancestors who lived in fresh-water habits. The fruits or persistent pericarps of breeding seedlings during ..

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