
Review of Thermodynamic Models in Polymer Solutions


[中文文摘]预测聚合物溶液体系的气液平衡数据是热力学模型的一个重要内容。热力学模型大体可分 3类 ,以过量吉布斯自由GF 能表示的最为常用。本文选取基于GF 的Flory Huggins(FH)、UNIQUAC、UNIFAC和ENSIC 4种常用模型进行评述 ,认为FH模型出现较早 ,形式最简单 ;UNIQUAC模型发展较完善 ,应用范围较广 ,UNIFAC模型弥补了UNIQUAC模型参数缺乏的不足 ,应用最为广泛 ;ENSIC模型具有较好的预测效果 ,但参数难以获得。[英文文摘]The equilibrium data of solvent|polymer systems are important to industrial processes, while they are very difficult to be obtained directly because of the complexity of the systems. It appears to be vital to obtain the data of solvent-polymer systems accurately by establishing thermodynamic models. This work presents a review of the four important thermodynamic models, e.g., UNIFAC, UNIQUAC, Flory-Huggins (FH) and ENSIC. Generally, they all can be used to predict the phase equilibrium of polymer-solvent systems. Of those , UNIFAC model is used most often , FH model is the simplest, ENISC model is showed to be the most accurate and UNIQUAC model is seemed to be applicable to most of the systems.国家自然科学基金 (No .5 0 2 4 30 14 ); 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目

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