The Category of Good Modules over Quasi2hereditary Algebra


摘要: 用图表示范畴的两个子范畴rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) 和rep ≤ 2 ( Q , I) 及其性质,刻划了拟遗传代数的好模范畴,余好模范畴 及特征模. 主要结论给出了A ∈rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) 及F(Δ) = rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) 的刻划及其对偶结论. Abstract : Using two kinds of subcategories of the categories of representation of quivers , rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) and rep ≤ 2 ( Q , I) , and their properties , we discuss some properties of the category of good modules , the category of cogood modules , and the characteristic module of A ∈rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) quasi2hereditary algebra. As the main result , we give the characterization of A ∈rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) and F(Δ) = rep ≤ 1 ( Q , I) and their dual results.国家自然科学基金资助项目(10071062) ,福建省教育厅科研基金资助项目(JB00201

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