Legislative Fairness: A Procedural Perspective


立法程序的公平是现代法律制度中立法公平不可或缺的法理内涵。我国在立法实践中存在着“部门立法”等立法不公现象,其直接原因应归结为我国的立法程序中的制度瑕疵。为求构建公平合理的立法程序,我国应该努力推进立法参与主体的多元化、立法组织的民主化、立法过程的理性化,在立法实践中强化立法听证制度,推行立法助理制度,建立立法回避制度,适当延长人大及其常委会的会期,完善信息公开制度。 【英文摘要】Fairness in legislative procedure is an indispensable legal principle of legislative fairness in the contemporary legal framework. There are phenomena of legislative unfairness in our country’s legislative practice , such as departmental law-making ,which can be directly attributed to the flaws in our legislative procedure. In order to construct a fair legislative procedure , China should advocate and promote the plurality of law-making participants , the democratization of legislative organizations , and the rationalization of legislative process. Furthermore , the systems of legislative hearing , legislative assistance , and legislative withdrawal should be reinforced , and the legislative session of National People’s Congress and its standing committee should be prolonged to ensure full exposure and circulation of legislative information

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