The artificial simulation of sperm plug of Scylla serrta


【中文摘要】 采用模拟人工授精、组织学及电子显微镜观察等方法,研究了青蟹精子塞的形成机制。结果发现,青蟹精子塞为雄性精液和雌性纳精囊开口处的分泌物在短时间内发生剧烈反应的产物,它们在短时间内从液态变为胶状结构,证明了精子塞是雌雄蟹的共同产物。雌雄蟹形成的精子塞的作用是,将精液颗粒、精荚等紧密联系在一起,部分精荚被拉伸破裂;有助于防止后续的雌雄交配,保护或保持精荚的完整及具有营养作用。 【英文摘要】 During artifical transfer of spermatophore,the male seminal products and the female spermathecae secretion will occur a intense reaction in several seconds.As a result,the reaction products became a hard and gelatinous form which change strongly from the original liquid state.This product is the sperm plug.The phenomenon proves that the sperm plug of Scylla serrata is the common product of male and female crab.It s possible to determined the role of either male or female crabs in the formation of the sperm...国家863项目基金资助(2002AA603013

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