Oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of meteoric water in the tropical West Pacific Ocean


测定了西太平洋(7.5°一31°N,123°~132°E)1989年9~10月间雨水的δD和δ18O值,结果表明该区雨水的氢、氧同位素组成呈现与中、高纬度地区明显不同的分布特征.雨水的δ值与降水点的纬度没有直接的因果关系,而与季风流场明显相关.沿季风流动方向雨水的δ值逐渐减低,这可用降水云团的瑞利分馏过程解释。雨水 δD和 δ18O的分布大致反映了研究区季风流场的特征。 【英文摘要】 δD and δ18O values in samples of meteoric water obtained in the West Pacific Ocean (7. 5° - 31°N, 123° - 132°E ) during the autumn cruises of 1989 are measured. The results show that there are obviously different distribution features of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes between the survey area and middle and high-latitude areas. A gradient variation of δ value along the direction of the monsoon is exhibited in the survey area in the West Pacific O- cean, which can be attributed to Releigh isotope fractionation ...国家自然科学基金!(编号:49133009

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