Effect of organic-inorganic composite binding materials on steel structure fire retardant coating


[中文文摘]以硅酸盐类凝胶材料为主粘接剂,采用有机无机复合方法,通过聚合物和改性水玻璃对主粘接剂进行改性,使涂层兼具水泥的刚性和聚合物的柔性,提高其粘结性、耐水性和柔韧性,克服涂层高温或骤冷条件下易爆裂、脱落,常温下易粉化、受潮、附着力差等缺点;理化性能测试和高温燃烧实验表明,防火涂层具有优良的耐火性能,与基材粘接性能良好。[英文文摘]In the steel structure fire-retardant coating silicate gel materials is as primary binder,which is modified by polymer and modified sodium silicate using organic-inorganic compound method.After modification,the coating possesses stiffness of cement and flexibility of polymer at the same time.The adhesive strength of coating increases as well as resistivity against water and flexibility.The coating is not easy to burst or scale off under high temperature or shock cooling condition.It is also hard to be chalked,wetted under room temperature condition. The physicochemical properties testing and combustion experiments prove that modified fire-ret ardant coating has good fireproof performance, and high adhesive strength to protected backing .福建省科技重点项目(2007T0013,2006I0026); 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20073006

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