
The Interaction between the Teaching of International Relations and International Law


从本源看国际关系与国际法之间联系紧密,在学科发展史上国际关系理论与国际法学相互依托、互相促进,两个学科的教学互动蕴含着巨大的潜力。一方面,国际关系知识可以从宏观、中观以及微观层次给予国际法的发展现象提供各种解释,以及产生程度不一的影响;另一方面,国际法学经常是某些国际关系学派的理论源泉,而国际法与国际组织的实践活动给予了许多国际关系理论学说现实上的支持。因此,面对国内当前国际关系学与国际法学之间教学割裂现状,促进它们之间教学的互动具有重大意义。 【英文摘要】The origins of the research of international relations and international law are closely related.From the view of history of these two disciplines,the two are complementary and interdependent and the potential therein is great.On one side,the international relations research can provide various explanations at macro-view,medium-view and micro-view levels and have different influences.On the other side,the international law is the theoretical foundation of these schools of international relations research,the practice of international organizations and international law support the international relations research practically. Therefore, it is meaningful to examine the cleavage between the two teachings and develop the interaction between them

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