Some Problems About Securitization


证券化是一种新型的融资工具。与发行股票、债券以及担保贷款等传统型融资相比 ,证券化有着很大的不同。这种不同主要表现在证券化的多面性或复杂性上。正是证券化所具有的完全不同于传统型融资的多面性的特点 ,使它成为一种新型的整合融资。 Securitization is a new means of financing. It is quite different from such traditional means of financing as stock issue, bonds issue and loan against collateral. The difference is mainly expressed in the versatility or complexity of securitizition .It is the versatility which is quite different from the traditional financing means that makes the securitization become a new type of integrated financing

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