Methodological improvement and its application effect in chromosome study of mud crab,Scylla serrata


本文在分析了十足目动物染色体研究现状的基础上,对染色体研究的常规技术(包括C 带技术、银染技术)进行改进,并应用于锯缘青蟹染色体研究.主要研究内容为染色体形态和数目、染色体核型、银染特征及减数分裂过程中染色体的行为等,发现锯缘青蟹染色体数目为2n=98,n=49;染色体核型为2N=40M+22SM+36T,NF=168;结果表明银染技术能揭示中期染色体的遗传特征等内容.本文还对经改进的染色体研究技术在锯缘青蟹染色体研究中的应用效果进行了分析和讨论. 【英文摘要】 After a review of chromosomal studies on decapods crustacean, the improvement of common chromosomal techniques including c-banding and silver-staining techniques and its application to the chromosomal studies of mud crab, Scylla serrataare reported in this paper. The chromosomal number,morphology and karyotype, the silver-staining characteristic and chromosomal behavior during meiosis of the crab are studied,it is found that the chromosome number was 2n=98, n=49; the karyotype was 2N=40M+22SM+36T,NF=168. It...国家863计划资助项目(2002AA603013

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