Investigation Report on Insurance Consciousness Level of Chinese Public——Illustrated by the City of Xiamen


[中文摘要]在保险业二十多年发展历程中,我国社会公众从不知保险为何物,到渐渐的有了一定的保险意识水平。物质决定意识,但意识对物质又具有反作用,保险意识水平的高低直接关系到保险业的稳定和发展。因此,本次调查就是通过问卷调查的形式,测量目前社会公众的保险意识水平,并分析其影响因素和原因,最后从调查分析中探索提高保险意识水平,并对实践有指导意义的对策。[Abstracts] During the development of the insurance industry for more than twenty years, Chinese people have gained some basic knowledge of this line,compared with the initial ignorance. As is known to all, substance determines consciousness while consciousness feeds back on substance. It is the same that the level of insurance consciousness directly affects the development of the insurance industry. So we are doing this investigation in the form of questionnaires to measure the level of insurance consciousness of Chinese public and analyze the factors that have influence on it. Finally, we are able to come to a conclusion on how to increase the level of insurance consciousness of Chinese public

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