Studies on the Domestication,Maturation,Spawning of Litopenaeus vannamei Broodstock and Nauplii Rearing


【中文摘要】 在水温27±2℃,盐度29±2;pH8.0~8.5,光强1 000 1x的条件下,对来自我国台湾的1 300对规格为35~45 g/尾的凡纳滨对虾亲虾进行为期73 d的驯养、促熟、产卵及无节幼体培育试验.结果表明,整个试验过程中,亲虾平均存活率为99.458%,波动区间[99.583%,99.333%],日产卵亲虾比例平均为3.506%,波动区间[3.89%,3.123%],雌虾单尾次日产无节幼体数量平均为18.928%,波动区间[19.691%,18.164%].无节幼体的日产量随繁殖驯养的延长,呈渐渐上升态势,从240万尾(第21天)至2 135万尾(第54天)平均为1 323万尾.此外,试验发现近成熟的雌虾也能接受交配行为. 【英文摘要】 This experiment was conducted to study the domestication,maturation,spawning of 1 300 pairs of pond-reared Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock from Taiwan with body weight of 35~45 g/ind.and nauplii rearing for 73d under water temperature of 27±2℃,salinity of 29±2,pH 7.8~8.5 and light of 1 000 lx.The results showed that the daily average survival rate of the broodstock was 35.06%,fluctuation interval was [99.583%,99.333%];the daily nauplii average production of every spawned broodstock was 18.93×10~4 ind.,fluct...福建省自然科学基金(B9910003)资

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