The use of primitives in the calculation of radiative view factors


Compilations of radiative view factors (often in closed analytical form) are readily available in the open literature for commonly encountered geometries. For more complex three-dimensional (3D) scenarios, however, the effort required to solve the requisite multi-dimensional integrations needed to estimate a required view factor can be daunting to say the least. In such cases, a combination of finite element methods (where the geometry in question is sub-divided into a large number of uniform, often triangular, elements) and Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MC-RT) has been developed, although frequently the software implementation is suitable only for a limited set of geometrical scenarios. Driven initially by a need to calculate the radiative heat transfer occurring within an operational fibre-drawing furnace, this research set out to examine options whereby MC-RT could be used to cost-effectively calculate any generic 3D radiative view factor using current vectorisation technologies

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