
As we may link: time-aligned concordances of field recordings. A working model


It should be easy to link text and audio and retrieve audio based on the textual representation or transcript. The potential has been there for some time (since digitised sound) and is realised in several ways by currently available software tools. However, none of the current solutions allows you to simply amass your field tapes and produce a text-based interface to them so that you can click on a sentence anywhere in your transcript and hear it. Further, having established such links, it would make sense to be able to have a concordance of the transcripts, providing a live link between the concordance and the text/audio. In this demonstration we will see an implementation for my linguistic data of the concordance/ text/ audio linkage based on output from LACITO's SoundIndex and using HyperCard as the modeling tool.Hosted by the Scholarly Text and Imaging Service (SETIS), the University of Sydney Library, and the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS), the University of Sydney

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