
Analytical Approximations for the Collapse of an Empty Spherical Bubble


The Rayleigh equation 3/2 R'+RR"+p/rho=0 with initial conditions R(0)=Rmax, R'(0)=0 models the collapse of an empty spherical bubble of radius R(T) in an ideal, infinite liquid with far-field pressure p and density rho. The solution for r=R/Rmax as a function of time t=T/Tcollapse, where R(Tcollapse)=0, is independent of Rmax, p, and rho. While no closed-form expression for r(t) is known we find that s(t)=(1-t^2)^(2/5) approximates r(t) with an error below 1%. A systematic development in orders of t^2 further yields the 0.001%-approximation r*(t)=s(t)[1-a Li(2.21,t^2)], where a=-0.01832099 is a constant and Li is the polylogarithm. The usefulness of these approximations is demonstrated by comparison to high-precision cavitation data obtained in microgravity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

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