Influenza degli aspetti socio-demografici e delle caratteristiche di personalità sulla scelta di partecipare ad un corso di accompagnamento alla nascita e sull’esito del parto


Pregnancy is a crucial stage of the woman’s lifespan, with conflicting aspects which could have negative outcome in delivery. In the transition toward motherhood the woman is offered the opportunity to attend prenatal courses; but small empically-based knowledge exists about the psychological factors influencing the choice to participate in these courses. The aim of this study was to assess socio-demographic factors and personality characteristics influencing the decision to attend an accompanying birth course and the relation between these variables and the pregnancy development and outcome. For this purpose, 71 pregnant women, divided in two groups according to the willingness to attend a prenatal course, were submitted a structured interview and Big Five Questionnaire. The results showed significant differences concerning level of education and personality profiles, particularly perseverance and openness to experience, which could have a role in influencing the choice to participate in antenatal classes. The results regarding delivery (term or preterm; type of delivery; Apgar index (score), weight, length of newborn) didn’t show significant differences between the two group

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