
Are we going towards a global planetary magnetic change?


The dipolar part of the geomagnetic field has been decaying rapidly during the last few hundreds of years. In addition to this classical argument, from Information theory applied to geomagnetism, there are some evidences that the recent Earth magnetic field is showing characteristics typical of a reversal in progress. If this is true, many scientific and environmental questions will arise. For instance, it will be of particular interest to monitor the time-space dynamics the South Atlantic Anomaly, where the magnetic field is strongly reduced (a sort of "planetary magnetic hole"). Here we find one of the most favourite places where Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites are lost or present some damages, due to the vicinity of "clouds" of electric particles (Van Allen belts) to the Earth's surface. The decay of the field will also decrease the screening effect to the solar wind and cosmic charges, so enhancing the cosmic radiation illuminating our planet: possible negative consequences are expected in terms of increase of skin cancers. Also important will be the study of the possible evolution of the core dynamics that will be generating this specific condition of the geomagnetic field

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