La Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS (RING) dell' INGV: una infrastruttura aperta per la ricerca scientifica


Since 2004, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) is investing important energies for the creation of a continuous GPS network dislocated all over the Italian territory. Data transmission will occur in real time, integrating the experiences already existing in the different INGV institutes and developing a 3-yrs strategy for the new installations. The main targets of the network are represented by active tectonics studies, including also the seismological part as strain accumulation on faults. Within a 3-yrs funding project, it is expected, to realize for the scientific community an infrastructure which is comparable to those existing in countries where advanced crustal deformation studies are carried out. Thus, INGV have co-located the classical seismological instrumentation (broad band seismometers and accelerometers) with GPS receivers to observe and quantify the whole seismic cycle. In this short paper, we describe the CGPS network, the technological choices for the monumentation and the data transmission, the data and metadata management and, finally, the data policy and the deliverables

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