
Gli effetti antropici e climatici sulla disponibilità delle acque sotterranee della Piana ionico-lucana


The paper deals with the groundwater availability along the lonian coastal plain (Southern Italy), between the mouths of Sinni and Bradano Rivers. Subjected to intense agricultural and tourism activities, the availability of the tapped groundwater is seriously important for the economic growth ofthis coastal area, especially due to the increasing frequency of droughts. The stratigraphical and hydrogeological set-up of the area as the geochemical features of the groundwater arise from the data analysis of 1130 boreholes, widespread over the whole area and from 1.3 up to 423 meters deep. The aquifers of the area could be distinguished in two types. The former encloses aquifers constituted by marine terraced deposits and alluvial river valleys deposits. The latter includes that one of the coastal plain deposits. It is the most interesting for practical utilisation and it is considered in the paper. The analysis of long time series is based on piezometric data (1927 to 1984), monitored by 60 wells, temperature, rainfall and river discharge data. The piezometric regimen and the maximum piezometric variation are characterised. The trend analysis, the autocorrelation and the crosscorrelation were applied to all variables. As a result, the modification of groundwater availability was characterised considering the spatial variation of the hydrogeological conditions. The relationships existing between rainfall, temperature, river discharge variations and piezometric surface height

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