
Integrated inversion of ground deformation and magnetic data at Etna volcano using a genetic algorithm technique


Geodetic and magnetic investigations have been playing an increasingly important role in studies on Mt. Etna eruptive processes. During ascent, magma interacts with surrounding rocks and fluids, and inevitably crustal deformation and disturbances in the local magnetic field are produced. These effects are generally interpreted separately from each other and consistency of interpretations obtained from different methods is qualitatively checked only a posteriori. In order to make the estimation of source parameters more robust we propose an integrated inversion from deformation and magnetic data that leads to the best possible understanding of the underlying geophysical process. The inversion problem was formulated following a global optimization approach based on the use of genetic algorithms. The proposed modeling inversion technique was applied on field data sets recorded during the onset of the 2002-2003 Etna flank eruption. The deformation pattern and the magnetic anomalies were consistent with a piezomagnetic effect caused by a dyke intrusion propagating along the NE direction

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