
Studio delle possibilità di utilizzo della costellazione Glonass nel suo stato


GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a global position satellite system realized by ex- Urss at the same time with the United State’s one. The first launch of satellites went back to 12th October 1982, they completed constellation with 24 satellites in 1997. In the years Russia didn’t have economic force to maintain active the entire constellation. But in 2002 GLONASS relaunching started, that provides 18 satellites before 2007, and it will reach 24 satellites before 2010. The program provides the launch of three or two rockets a year, each one will bring to space two or three satellite. At present (15th September 2006) there are 15 operative GLONASS satellites. The aim of this work is to show the potentiality of the jointed use of GPS and GLONASS satellites by performing an adequate subdivision of the observations collected during a survey in the area of Rome using TOPCON receivers able to acquire data coming from both constellations

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