
The RING network: improvements to a GPS velocity field in the central Mediterranean


Since 2004, a continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) network has been operated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) to investigate active tectonic processes in Italy and the surrounding regions, which are still largely debated. This important infrastructure is known as Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS (RING) network, and it consists of about 130 stations that are deployed all over Italy. The development and realization of a stable GPS monumentation, its integration with seismological instruments, and the choice of both satellite and internet data transmission, make this network one of the most innovative and reliable CGPS networks in the world. The technologically advanced development of the RING network has been accompanied by the development of different data processing strategies, which are mainly dependent on the use of different GPS analysis software. The different software-related solutions are here compared at different scales for this large network, and the consistency is evaluated and quantified within an RMS value of 0.3 mm/yr

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