
Implementazione di una nuova procedura per caratterizzare la forma di particelle mediante misure al CAMSIZER e algoritmi di clustering


In this work we present the calibration phase of a new procedure for the characterization of the shape of pyroclastic particles. This research has been granted by INGV of Catania, with funds deriving from the “Progetto Giovani”, in collaboration with Retsch Technology in Haan. The innovation of this procedure arises from the use of CAMSIZER (an instrument developed by the German leader company). This instrument permits to obtain very important information both on size and shape parameters of a high number of particles (hundreds of thousands data). Moreover, we used clustering and classification algorithms in order to group particles according to their morphologic characteristics. This calibration phase has been tested only on standard materials with regular geometries such as cubes, spheres and cylinders. In the future we will apply this methodology to volcanic ash particles that, as well-known, are characterized by irregular morphologies

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