
Roots of modern geodynamical views in Schiaparelli's thought – The volcano-seismic correlation events on the Andes


The reflections of Schiaparelli in the branch of astronomy more extensively involved with the geophysics and geology was influential on the progress of Earth sciences, contributing to unprejudiced forms of reasoning about the evolution of our planet. Today some new factual evidence and interpretations of the phenomena linked to a volcanoseismic correlation and to a progressive shift of the Earth’s rotation poles through geological time find their roots in the geoedynamical examples published in 1893 and 1891 by Schiaparelli. If a possible synchronicity of a volcano-seismic correlation – peculiar for the South American Pacific Margin – with features of the Markowitz oscillation of the secular Polar Motion will be confirmed by comparison of a longer series of Polar Motion data and volcano-seismic events (average return period of 40-50 years), we would reasonably be in the presence of a phenomenon that puts in communication the Earth’s surface with its deeper interior (core-mantle boundary) and that should be directly linked to a slow asymmetrical expansion of the Earth

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