
Sea level changes, ground deformations, human settlements in the bay of Naples


Ground deformations in active volcanoes are considered precursors of eruptions according to the most tested models; therefore monitoring networks of ground deformations are installed on inhabited dangerous volcanoes. Direct measurements of such deformations are carried out since 1861 when Luigi Palmieri monitored the eruption at Mt. Vesuvius with levelings along the shoreline near the town of Torre del Greco. Relative sea level changes were measured at Serapeo in Pozzuoli in the middle of 19th century to record soil uplifts which are locally known as bradyseism. To enlarge the time series of data on these phenomena it is necessary to utilize historical and prehistorical informations on the location of shore-line of human settlements. As regards the regions of active volcanoes as the Neapolitan one three processes contribute to sea level changes as eustatism, regional tectonics and local intrusive and effusive phenomena. Therefore at the same time the relative sea level should be different at far-away places only few kilometres according to the volcanic activity. In fact eustatic and tectonic processes contribute to sea level changes with very lesser rates than volcanic activity. The Neapolitan region for its geological history is an excellent laboratory for testing the validation of new paradigms for some natural phenomena

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