Communication is power: an essay on authority and competence


This short essay describes the contemporary process of communication in (American) society and its relations to power in the guise of democratic practice. It offers a suggestive rather than exhaustive critique and argues for a turn of communication studies to a social and cultural critique of power, not only to enhance its theoretical position and validate its political standing in society, but to suggest revolutionary alternatives to present conceptions of (mass) communication that reinvent a democratic vision of communication in society.Esej opisuje sodobni proces komuniciranja v (ameriški) družbi in njegov odnos do moči, ki se skriva pod krinko demokratičnega delovanja. Ponuja bolj sugestivno kot obširno kritiko in se zavzema za obrat komunikoloških študij v smer družbene in kulturološke kritike moči. Tega ne počne zaradi poveličevanja take teoretske drže ali zaradi potrditve njene politične veljavnosti v družbi, temveč zato, ker hoče pokazati revolucionarne alternative, ki v nasprotju s sedanjimi koncepti (množičnega) komuniciranja pomenijo preporod demokratične vizije komuniciranja v družbi

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