Quality of user experience of a web-based real-time communication in the IP contact center


Namen diplomskega dela je predstavitev, izvedba v realnem okolju in evalvacija rešitve kontaktnega centra, ki temelji na kanalu spletnega komuniciranja v realnem času (angl. webRTC). V uvodnem delu so predstavljene osnovne komponente kontaktnih centrov in pripadajoči komunikacijski kanali. Razvoj sodobnih spletnih tehnologij sili kontaktne centre, da vključujejo nove komunikacijske kanale, ki nudijo večji potencial za uspešnejše poslovanje in posledično večje zadovoljstvo in zaupanje strank. Sledi kratek opis tehnologije spletnega komuniciranja v realnem času, kjer so omenjeni predvsem uporabljeni aplikacijski vmesniki, protokoli in njihove lastnosti. Omenjenih je tudi nekaj primerov uporabe te tehnologije na spletu. Na praktičnem primeru kontaktnega centra Cisco je izpostavljena rešitev, ki temelji na tehnologiji WebRTC in ki je bila za potrebe diplomskega dela postavljena v realno okolje. Predstavljene so posamezne komponente in možnosti izvedbe rešitve. Več pozornosti je namenjeno opisu delovanja in poteku vzpostavitve komunikacijske seje. Glede na izbrana priporočila mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (angl. International Telecommunication Union – ITU) so opisani načini preizkušanja in ocenjevanja kvalitete izkušnje pri rabi rešitve. Naloga vključuje tudi rezultate kratke analize uporabniške izkušnje. Ugotavljamo, da je realizirana rešitev z uporabniškega vidika dovolj dobra za rabo v realnem okolju, določeni problemi pa se pojavijo v primeru zelo neugodnih razmer na internetni povezavi uporabnika. Na podlagi rezultatov opravljene evalvacije lahko sklepamo, da je za uporabniško izkušnjo bistvena uporaba adaptacijskih mehanizmov in kodekov, ki lahko kljub slabim omrežnim razmeram omogočajo sprejemljivo uporabniško izkušnjo.The aim of this diploma thesis is to present a practical implementation and to evaluate a solution of an IP contact center based on a web real-time communication channel (WebRTC). Firstly, basic components of contact centers and associated communication channels are presented. The development of contemporary web technologies forces contact centers to apply new communication channels, which offer a higher potential for successful management and consequently increase customer satisfaction and trust. Secondly, web real-time communication technologies are described with emphasis on applied application interfaces, protocols and their features. Some examples of such technologies on the web are presented. Later we described the main components and steps needed to setup an IP contact center and how to integrate it with a web real-time communication channel solution. The setup was realised in way that it was accessible for testing over the internet. Its main components are explained in details together with a basic call flow setup. The emphasis is on describing its functioning and the setup of a communication session. Following the selected recommendations of International Telecommunication Union, this thesis illustrates testing methods and the process of evaluating the quality of user experience using the proposed solution. Diploma work concludes with results of a short analysis of user experiences. We find the implemented solution suitable for use in practical environment from the user perspective. However, certain problems may occur in some specific cases with unfavorable conditions regarding user’s internet connection. Based on the results of our evaluation it may be concluded that adapting mechanisms and codecs have an important influence on the user experience. Despite poor network conditions, they can make a user experience acceptable

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