Jezik, psihologija in epistemološki problem opazljivega in neopazljivega


Znanosti o jeziku so po svoji naravi na meji med znanostjo in filozofijo. Kako se v to polje umešča psihologija? Članek želi opozoritina na temeljne epistemološke zanke tega polja in opisati pristope k jeziku z vidika relativistične epistemologije. Ukvarja se z nevropsihološkim pristopom in pristope k jeziku presoja glede na to, kako v svojih hipotezah prestopajo prag opazljivega. Ta razmejitev omogoča nov pogled na nekdaj vodilne tokove v psihologiji in odpira nove možnosti raziskovanju.Due to the nature of its object different types of linguistic knowledge seem to range from natural sciences to philosophy. And how does psychology enter this picture? In the article we bring into focus some basic epistemological loops of the linguistic field and try to describe traditional approaches to language from the perspective of epistemological relativism. In detail we deal with the neuropsychological approach, since it represents the newest off spring of scientific methods in psychology. The general idea of thearticle is that approaches to language should exceed the horizon of reasoning and hypothesising imposed by the visible phenomena. It is argued that this distinction sheds new lights on once leading methods in psychology like behaviourism, and open new ways of psychological research in this field

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