Quality structure of beech stands and red heartwood appearance on the Isopyro-Fagetum KOŠ. 62 site


V prispevku obravnavamo kakovost bukovih sestojev na rastiščih, ki jih uvrščamo v združbo Isopyro-Fagetum. Analiza je pokazala na precejšnjo pogostost napak debla, na nizko ležeče slepice, na pogost pojav rdečega srca in posledično na slabo sortimentno strukturo. Med tipi srca prevladuje normalno rdeče srce, sledi abnormalno, pogosta je tudi trohnoba.This paper analyses the quality of beech stands on sites classified into Isopyro-Fagetum association. Analysis showed rather high frequency of stem defects, low situated covered knot on tree stems, frequent red heartwood appearance and consequently an unfavorable assortment structure. The normal type prevails among the red heartwood types and it is followed by the abnormaltype. Rottenness occurs often as well

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