Osebnostne lastnosti parov z zmanjšano plodnostjo


Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali se pari z zmanjšano plodnostjo razlikujejo med seboj glede na uspešnost zdravljenja neplodnosti in od običajno plodnih parov v osebni anamnezi, osebnostni strukturi, stališčih do spolnosti, nosečnosti in poroda ter doživljanju neplodnosti. Primerjali smo dve skupini parov z zmanjšano plodnostjo. V 1. skupini so bili pari, ki z metodo homologne inseminacije (AIH) niso uspeli zanositi, v 2. skupini pa pari, ki so zanosili v prvih štirih ciklusih homologne inseminacije (AIH). Kontrolna skupina so pari, ki niso imeli težav z zanositvijo. Podatke smo zbirali z anamnestičnim vprašalnikom, vprašalnikom do stališč do spolnosti, nosečnosti in poroda (S-S-G) in osebnostnim vprašalnikom (MMPI-2). Rezultati nakazujejo, da je pri shizoidno strukturirani osebnosti neplodnih parov, ki prevladujejo v 1. skupini, večja možnost neuspešnega zdravljenja z metodo homologne inseminacije (AIH). Za te pare spolnost, nosečnost, porod in otrok pomenijo tako čustveno vznemirjenje, da ga povsem izrinejo iz zavesti v podzavest in na telesni nivo delovanja, kar prispeva k ohranjanju psihogene neplodnosti. V 2. skupini so pari bolj depresivno oziroma anankastično atrukturirani, zato imajo več možnosti, da po zdravljenju zanosijo. Osebnostnastruktura ima pomembno vlogo pri uspešnosti zdravljenja neplodnosti, ki je tudi psihosomatska težava in zato zahteva celosten pristop pri obravnavi.The aim of the study was to find whether with regard to the efficient outcome of treatment infertile couples differ among themselves and from fertile couples by: personal history, personality structure, attitudes towardssexuality, pregnancy amd labour and by experiencing infertility. We compare two groups of infertile couples: in the first group there were the couples in whom artificial insemination - husband (AIH) failed and in the second the couples who achieved pregnancy in the first four AIH cycles. The control group consisted of fertile couples. We collected the data obtained from the medical history record, the questionnaire on the attitudes towards sexuality, pregnancy and labour (SSG), and the questionnaire on personality characteristics (MMPI-2). The obtained results showed that in schizoid personalities, prevailing in the first group, the unsuccessful outcome of treatment with AIH was more likely. To those couples sexuality, pregnancy, labour, and the child itself represented such an emotional excitement that they suppressed it to subconsciousness and to the somatic level of activity which contributed to infertility. In the second group the couples were more depressive and /or anancastic thus having a higher degree of possibility to conceive. Personality structure plays an important role in successful treatment of infertility which is also a psychosomatic problem and demands a holistic approach

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