
Badly approximable vectors on a vertical Cantor set


For i,j>0,i+j=1i, j > 0, i + j = 1, the set of badly approximable vectors with weight (i,j)(i, j) is defined by Bad(i,j)={(x,y)R2:c>0qN,    max{qqx1/i,qqy1/j}>c}Bad(i, j) = \{(x, y) \in \R^2 : \exists c > 0 \forall q\in\N, \;\; \max\{q||qx||^{1/i}, q||qy||^{1/j} \} > c\}, where x||x|| is the distance of xx to the nearest integer. In 2010 Badziahin-Pollington-Velani solved Schmidt's conjecture which was stated in 1982, proving that Bad(i,j)Bad(j,i)Bad(i, j) \cap Bad(j, i) is nonempty. Using Badziahin-Pollington-Velani's technique with reference to fractal sets, we were able to improve their results: Assume that we are given a sequence (it,jt)(i_t, j_t) with it,jt>0,it+jt=1i_t, j_t > 0, i_t + j_t = 1. Then, the intersection of Bad(it,jt)Bad(i_t, j_t) over all t is nonempty

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