Zgradba in rast bukovih sestojev na rastišču Isopyro-fagetum


Delo predstavlja rezultate analize, izvedene v pogorju Kuma na rastiščih, ki jih poraščajo fitocenoze, ki jih uvrščamo v sintaksonomsko enoto Isopyro-Fagetum. Analizirali smo bukove sestoje v optimalni razvojni fazi. Pri zgradbi sestojev smo ugotovili drevesno sestavo, debelinsko in višinsko zgradbo, socialno zgradbo in sortimentno sestavo. Analizo smo izvedli na petih vzorčnih ploskvah. Izvedli smo debelno analizo 271 dreves z namenom, da bi ugotovili zakonitosti višinske in debelinske rasti ter prisotnost rdečega srca. Na temelju rastiščnih indeksov smo ugotovili, da znaša proizvodna sposobnost rastišča, katerih fitocenoze so uvrščene v asociacijo Isopyro-Fagetum, od 4,2 do 7,4 m3/ha/leto neto debeljadi, oziroma od 4,5 do 8,0 m3/ha/leto bruto debeljadi.The thesies represents the results cariied out in the mountain chain of Kum onsites overgrown by phytocenosis arrayed into Isopyro-Fagetum syntaxon. We analysed the beech stands in optimal development phase. In the stands structure we were examining tree structure, diameter and height structure, structure of stands to the social tree layer and stem quality structure. In the five sample plots size of 30 x 30 m stands in optimal phase have been analyzed. We carried out the trunk analysis of 271 trees with the intension of ascertaining the diameter and height growth and presence of red heart. On the basis of site indicies it was established that the productivity in the site unity Isopyro-Fagetum ranges from 4,2 to 7,4 m3/ha/year (timber ? ? cm without bark) or 4,5 to 8,0 m3/ha/year (timber ? ? cm with bark) respectively

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