
Perspectives on Case-based Multimedia Web Projects in Science


This article discusses the merits of case-based learning in an interactive online environment. Researchers used both qualitative and quantitative research over a 2-year period to examine the learning that occurred in a high school context when students were engaged in a case-based multimedia project. Part of the Case It! project, students played both the role of laboratory technician performing and presenting research as well as professionals using the information in their practice. Students were required to use three types of simulation software developed exclusively for the Case It! project. Results were measured using both pre- and post-tests, artifacts students created such as Web posters, records of Internet conferences, and interviews from both the students and the teacher involved in this project. Researches found the online format of the lesson fostered a higher level of questioning and problem solving skills, as well as extended explanations and discussions of ethics in science. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

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