Impact of social skills instruction on problem solving skills of students with learning disabilities


textThe study analyzed the impact of a social skills intervention pogram with adolescent students with learning disabilities attending a school for dyslexia in central Texas. Participants of the study were 8 students aged 11 through 13. Participants were equally assigned to the intervention and control groups based on their schedules. A six-session social skills intervention program was provided to students in the intervention condition during their enrichment hours, while the control students continued to attend their regular classroom activities during this period. Non-parametric test statistics (Wilcoxon signed-rank Test and Mann Whitney U) were utilized to assess within group differences from pre- to post-test and between group differences, respectively. The results of the study suggested that even though no statistically significant differences between control and intervention groups were observed at the pre-test, scores on the Social Problem Solving Inventory-Adolescent, at post-test indicated that the intervention group significantly outperformed the control group. Neither the control nor the intervention group demonstrated any significant improvement from pre- to post-test.Special Educatio

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