
Report on the Workshop held at the University of Leeds on 6 November organised on behalf of the Transport Sub-Committee of the Environment Committee of the Science and Engineering Research Council


The meeting was the second in a series of three; called to review the prospects for future development of the Special Programme in the Application of Information Technology to Transport set up by the Transport Sub-committee of the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC). The other seminars were: at University College London on Traffic Engineering Applications; held in July 1986; and at the University of Newcastle up Tyne, on Public Transport Information Systems, held in December 1986. The objectives of the workshop were to (i) review current perceptions of and future prospects for the role of expert systems in transport; and (ii) provide such feed-back to the SERC Transport Sub-committee as would assist it in forming a view about future work in this area. (Continues..

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