
Development of a Cycling Policy for York Technical Report


In early 1983 York City Council and North Yorkshire County Council commissioned the Institute for Transport Studies to carry out a study of cycling in York. The terms of reference were to: Include an origin and destination survey of current movements by trip purpose and an assessment of future demand, indicating the likely mode from which any transfer will occur; Identify problem areas following discussions with various cycling groups and a study of accident statistics; Take into consideration any previous decisions of the City Council for investigation; Assess the appropriateness of the recommended standards for cycle facilities to a compact urban area; Propose various solutions to problems where appropriate, assess the effect on other road users, and formulate a basic cycling plan for York. Propose various solutions to problems where appropriate, assess the effect on other road users, and formulate a basic cycling plan for York. The Institute for Transport Studies at the Univeristy of Leeds was appointed to carry out the study with Professor A.D. May as the Director of the Study and Mr. D.A. Waring as Research Engineer. Work commenced on this project in June 1983 and was completd in May 1984. The recommendations arising from the study are contained in a separate Summary Report, available from the Institute as Working Paper 175

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