
Effectiveness of the English Implementation. VRU-TOO Deliverable 16.


The overall objective of the VRU-TOO project is to examine how the safety and mobility of pedestrians can be enhanced at signalised locations in urban areas. In order to accomplish this the project has adopted a three pronged approach. a) Computer Modelling: The development of a meso-model (WJLCAN 2) which will predict the changes in route choice (and subsequently safety levels) to be achieved by changes in the pedestrian facilities available. b) Behavioural Studies: The formulation of standardised rules which will provide a greater understanding of the factors that affect the safety of pedestrians when crossing the road by creating detailed rules for the norma; (safe) and abnormal (unsafe)interaction of pedestrians and vehicles. c) Pilot Project: The implementation of pre-arrival pedestrian detection systems to improve the safety and reduce the delay of pedestrians who wish to cross main roads controlled by signals in urban areas in three European countries. This report gives full details of the trial that was carried out in Leeds(UK), it gives details of the equipment used as well as the philosophy behind the trial. It also details how the pedestrian detection system was utilised within the existing Urban Traffic Control (UTC) system and it also provides a full assessment of the results of a detailed "before" and "after" study to evaluate the results of the trial and determine whether the objectives, which were formulated before the trial, had been achieved. Following this, the report also assesses the results and their implications for the more comprehensive usage of the methodologies introduced by this trial, both within Leeds and on a larger scale for the implementation within any city'based UTC system

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