Nutzung der Erkenntnisse der marinen Oekosystemforschung fuer die Antarktis-Umweltschutzaufgaben Endbericht mit Anhang


This study focused on describing and evaluating the impacts of human activities on the Antarctic marine environment including marine birds and mammals (flying seabirds and penguins, seals and whales). The evaluation of impacts was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the German 'Umweltschutzprotokoll-Ausfuehrungsgesetz' ('AUG') which is the national implementation act to the Protocol on Environmental Protection of 4 October 1991 to the Antarctic Treaty. The report covers scientific activities (impact of methods used in biological and other research disciplines) and their logistical support (impact of research vessels, boats and aircraft; construction, operation and extension of scientific stations; field camps) as well as the impact of ship-based and airborne tourism (cruise ships, yaughts, aviation). We elaborated definitions of the undefined legal terms which are used in Paragraph 4 (3) 1-3 AUG to describe the degree of impact on the Antarctic environment (less than minor or transitory; minor or transitory; more than minor or transitory). Criteria and examples are given to illustrate how these definitions can be applied in the permitting process. In Paragraph 3 (4) 1-7 AUG various terms are used to describe impacts on the Antarctic environment which must not occur if an activity is to be permitted. We summarized these expressions under the German term 'erheblich' (in English: 'severe'). Furthermore, a classification scheme was worked out in line with the requirements of Paragraph 17 AUG for the evaluation of impacts of scientific methods on Antarctic mammals and birds (cf. Paragraph 17 AUG). This scheme was based on the results of the workshop 'Human Impact on Antarctic Mammals and Birds' held at our Institute. A detailed protocol of the course of discussions and workshop results is given in Appendix 2. Other aspects covered in this report include a summary of the state of scientific knowledge of the main components of the Antarctic marine environment comprising the results of a literature study on the subject of harmful substances. Case studies illustrate how to evaluate scientific research programms, and research needs are specified. Furthermore, recommendations for environmentally safe visitor behaviour and scientific work as well as suggestions and recommendations for the implementation of the AUG are given. The report is supplemented by an extensive bibliography and an index. (orig.)Published in two volumes. Also published as UBA-Texte 83/99SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(99-113,1): RN 8908(99-113,2) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

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