Labour market policies, strategies and statistics for people with disabilities A cross-national approach


'The labour market situation for people with disabilities has been brought up-to-date in several OECD countries during the 1990s. This study provides an up-dated report from a rapidly changing policy field and presents a comparable review of labour market policies, strategies and statistics in 11 countries. The report also provides new knowledge about the labour force participation and employment rates for people with disabilities in 21 countries, and discusses possible explanations of the statistical differences, with the policy pursued as a point of departure. The study is based on responses to a questionaire distributed to central government departments in the 29 OECD countries.' (author's abstract)Auf der Grundlage einer Umfrage in den OECD-Staaten, die zwischen 1999 und 2001 stattfand, werden die Arbeitsmarktpolitik fuer Behinderte sowie ihre Erwerbsbeteiligung und Erwerbsquote verglichen. (IAB)German title: Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Strategien und Statistiken fuer Behinderte: ein internationaler AnsatzAvailable from IAB-96-500-22 BM 233,0 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

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