
Current Law and Selected Proposals Extending Unemployment Compensation


[Excerpt] This report examines recent proposals that would create a new temporary extension of unemployment compensation. The recent proposals to temporarily extend the duration of Unemployment Compensation (UC) include the proposal in the Senate Committee on Finance Report of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 dated January 30, 2008, H.R. 4934, S. 2544, H.R. 5688, and H.R. 5749. Only sections in the proposals that relate to the extension of unemployment benefits are detailed. Thus, only portions of H.R. 4934 (Title I-Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Title II-Increased Unemployment Benefits) and the Senate Committee on Finance proposal (Title I-Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation) that directly relate to extending the duration of unemployment benefits are included. Matters concerning fraud and overpayments are not discussed

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