
Skills development through Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR): A good practice guide


Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is a multi-sectoral approach tomeeting the health, education, vocational skills and livelihood needsof children, youth and adults with disabilities, primarily in developingcountries. Chapter 1 provides information about important concepts associated with CBR programmes and about contextual factors that need to be considered by CBR practitioners. Chapter 2, Skills and work basics, explores the various types of skills that need to be included in training programmes for disabled people and how these skills are effectively applied in the workplace.Chapter 3, CBR and skills development, outlines practical strategies for developing skills for employment and for operating a small business. It includes a number of case studies illustrating good practice.Chapter 4, CBR and livelihoods, gives tips on how to build relationships withemployers and employer organizations that can result in successful jobplacements, on-the job training, work trials or other forms of collaboration. Chapter 5, Building support in the community, provides guidance on how toimprove the effectiveness of CBR programmes by building partnerships with mainstream agencies, NGOS and service organizations. Supporting self-help groups of disabled people is also explored.Chapter 6 summarizes the guide’s key messages for CBR practitioners. Case studies illustrating good practice are included throughout

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