
The Arbitration Profession in Transition: A Survey of the National Academy of Arbitrators


[From the Foreward]: That the experience, talents, and integrity of the members of the National Academy of Arbitrators are called on to resolve disputes beyond collective bargaining is not surprising. But The Arbitration Profession in Transition shows that this process is far more widespread, and is accelerating, beyond what most of us had speculated. The study provides the baseline for the new century as to the role of Academy members in the expanding use of ADR in employment and in conflicts concerning statutory rights. It is also a remarkable census of who the Academy is, notable for the extraordinarily high participation and cooperation of those studied. It has been compiled with dedication, care, and skill. It is more than a snapshot of a profession; it is an image worthy of contemplation as the Academy, and the users of arbitration and mediation, continue their quest for fairness and equity in the workplace. John Kagel, President –elect, National Academy of Arbitrators, June 1, 2000

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