Three trends in forest succession are described from the coastal and
lowland lava flows (<1,000 feet) of Mauna Loa and Kilauea in Hawaii. All begin
on bare rock in a region of high rainfall (75 to 150 inches). One trend is in
coastal forest and involves the replacement of Metrosideros polymorpha vegetation
by Pandanus tectorius forest. The other trends occur inland and give rise to Metro-,
sideros polymorpha and Metrosideros polymorpha/Diospyros ferrea forests with in
400 years. No consistent differences in successional trends were observed between
pahoehoe and aa flows. Seasonal distribution of rainfall was considered to be important
in differentiating the Metrosideros/Diospyros succession, while exposure to
wind-carried salt may differentiate the Pandanus succession . There is need to protect
representative areas of these forests for future study