
Vascular plants of Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park


Reports were scanned in black and white at a resolution of 600 dots per inch and were converted to text using Adobe Paper Capture Plug-in.The vegetation of Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park was surveyed in 1992-93 as part of a monitoring study of plants, birds, mammals, and invertebrates of three Kona parks. One hundred thirty four vascular plant species were found in the Park, including six endemic species (4%), 17 (13%) indigenous species, 15 (11%) Polynesian introductions, and 96 (72%) alien or non-indigenous species introduced after 1778. Thirty-three species were additions to the known flora of the Park since the previous plant checklist (Smith et al. 1986). Alien woody species were the dominant elements in the Park's vegetation. Ekoa (Leucaena leucocephala) was the most abundant alien shrub species in the Park, occurring in 93% of vegetation plots often with >75% estimated cover. 'Opiuma (Pithecellobium dulce) was found in 70% of vegetation plots and had cover values ranging from 75%. Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) grew in 33% of all vegetation plots, and had its greatest cover (>50%) south of Alahaka Pali. Natal redtop grass (Rhynchelytrum repens) occurred in 67% of plots, primarily north of Alahaka Pali. Redtop cover was variable and was highest near the 1871 trail. Six other herbaceous species were seen in many plots, but had low estimated cover. All non-cultivated native plants and several naturalized Polynesian introductions were mapped along transects, trails, the coast, and near brackish pools. The most notable native plant was maiapilo (Capparis sandwichiana), a candidate endangered species; only one maiapilo shrub was found within the Park. Fourteen non-cultivated, indigenous species were located during this survey; eight of these were found along the coast or near brackish pools, and six others were on transects upslope. Pili (Heteropogon contortus) was among the indigenous plants found upslope in the Park, and the grass was also planted near the visitor center. Vegetation types were similar to those mapped by Leishmann in 1986. Ekoa shrubland was the most widespread vegetation type in the Park; in the northern part of the Park this shrubland has become more closed since 1986. Natal redtop grasslands also appear to have decreased in extent since 1986, probably through the invasion of Ekoa and other alien shrubs.National Park Service Cooperative Agreement CA 8002 2 900

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