
Embryo Ecology of the Pacific Surf Smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus (Pisces: Osmeridae)


A study of the ecology of developing embryos of the Pacific surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus, was conducted. Embryos were maintained in the laboratory at 7.6, 12.1, and 17.6°C and the time to specific embryonic stages determined. Embryos held at 7.6°C developed to stage 24, 18 days after collection; those held at 12.1°C hatched after 13 days; at 17.6°C hatching occurred 8.5 days after collection. Embryos maintained at 15°C and salinities of 20, 25, and 30%0 averaged 84% survival. There was no significant difference in survival between the groups (ANOVA, P = 0.53). Field observations indicated that embryos are spawned in patches in the upper intertidal zone near the time of high tide. They are attached to gravel substrates by the zona radiata membrane which ruptures and quickly turns inside out at the time embryos are fertilized. After several days of development, stage 18 to 22 embryos detach from the original spawning substrates and are washed seaward and down into the gravel substrate in the intertidal zone. However, there was no significant difference (ANOVA, P >2: 0.09) in the number of eggs found at each of 4 depth strata in the upper, middle, and lower intertidal zones

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