
A New Species of Montastrea (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) from the Philippines


A new species of the scleractinian coral genus Montastrea de Blainville, 1830 was discovered in the Philippines and has been given the name Montastrea multipunctata. This species may have been previously overlooked due to its striking resemblance to a co-occurring zoanthid. Montastrea multipunctata is unusual because in situ, sediment accumulation often partially covers the corallum, especially in the area between the polyps. The features of M. multipunctata coralla are modified by a polychaete worm that resides within them, a relationship found in several other faviid species. Although M. multipunctata shares some characteristics with other Montastrea species, it is clearly differentiated on the basis of growth form, polyp shape, and corallite morphology, especially the pointed septal dentations of the primary septa, which are usually highly exsert over the theca

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