A checklist and status report of the fern and fern allies in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park


Reports were scanned in black and white at a resolution of 600 dots per inch and were converted to text using Adobe Paper Capture Plug-in.There are 86 species of ferns and fern allies distributed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. These species belong to 38 genera in 17 families. Of the plants listed, 52 species are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, but none of them are endemic to the National Park region. However, the indigenous species Lindsaea ensifolia Sw. has only been reported from the Park and from nowhere else on the other Hawaiian Islands. There are a total of seven exotic species of ferns and fern allies in the National Park area none of which at the moment can be considered potential noxious weeds. Thirteen species are rare and recommendations have been made for their preservation.National Park Service Contract No. CX 8000 6 003

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