
"The Community as Polity: The Political Economy of Regulation"


[From the Introduction]. The literature on institutions, policymaking, and public policy covers such a wide range of subjects that it is impossible to pay it any kind of justice in this cursory review. A very partial list of works which focus on the Community's institutional framework as traditionally defined appears in Appendix A.(1) I also list works which examine the relationship between the Community and the member-states (Appendix B). I do the same for interest groups (Appendix C). I have restricted myself to works in English, but many of the sources will lead readers to works in French, German, and Dutch. The impact of the Single European Act has spawned a literature reflecting the new kinds of policy-making which have emerged in the Community. This literature loosely falls under the rubric of "regulation" or "regulatory policy-making." I shall focus on this relatively new body of literature, as it is an increasingly important component of the literature on institutions and policy-making and yet reflects a different orientation from the earlier literature about the Community

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