
European Institutional Models as Instruments of Conflict Resolution in the Divided States of the European Periphery. CEPS Working Document No. 195, July 2003


[From the Introduction]. This working document is part of a research project for the Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, the department of the Belgian Federal Government responsible for scientific research. The project is carried out by the Centre for Political Science (POLI) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel... and the Centre for European Policy Studies... It makes a comparative assessment of the potential for supra-national and international settlement in four secessionist conflicts at the periphery of the EU. It focuses on the potential role that institutional models from the EU and its members can play in the design of solutions to such conflicts – particularly the federation institutions such as the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) or the Council of Europe. In all of these cases, conflict settlement may have to be facilitated by the intervention of third party actors. The four cases studied in the POLI-CEPS project are confronted by unresolved secessionist crises: Cyprus...; Montenegro and Serbia...; Moldova...; Abkhazia..

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