
“The European Union: Environmental Policy and Strategies”


The European Union (EU) has been a force for the integration of Europe, while at the same time it has undergone its own internal changes. Borders have disappeared as membership has increased. The EU has been a leader in promoting an environmental agenda with some of the strongest and most innovative environmental protection measures in the world. For example, with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, it agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8% of 1990 levels by 2008-2010. (It had pressed for more stringent reductions but was rebuffed by the U.S.) The European Commission and the European Parliament have been especially concerned about the level of implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation. The following [paper] is a discussion of some of the recent and significant measures being pursued to ensure a high level of environmental protection throughout the European Union. The trend has been to develop initiatives that strengthen implementation of environmental legislation and devise new strategies that will, while recognizing the diversity and sovereignty of the Member States, allow for multiple strategies to meet EU-wide goals

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